Points in the Paint

Fantasy Basketball Opinions, Strategy & Tips

GMTR Fantasy Guide Review

Posted by Erik on September 5, 2008

For those of you who clicked on the link of my blog’s previous entry, you probably know that I created the said link in order to get a copy of Give Me the Rock’s Fantasy Guide for the 08-09 season.

Well I got it, and boy was it worth it. Kudos to Nels and Patrick of GMTR for a guide well made! I applaud them for the depth of their insight and commentary on 248 NBA players, draftable and ignorable alike. Reading the guide gave me a different perspective on some of the players. It was like spending time with some of my buddies and talking about players and their idealized draft positions. Their comments were relatively concise and some even colored with the wit I’ve come to enjoy from following the posts on their site.

I, of course, didn’t agree with all of GMTR’s expectations and forecasts for all of the players they reviewed; but I’d say that they and I are on the same page on about 87.6% of their analyses. And since I believe that “brilliant minds think alike”, I can’t help but congratulate them on a job well done. – Now I’m just that bit more inspired to get my butt in gear and work on my draft resource posts. I’ve been wanting to come up with a big board of sorts that delved a bit deeper than Funston’s one liner comments. Well Pat and Nels did a great job with their guide by adding extra information that the average fantasy ball manager doesn’t have access to in one place, and so they were able to paint a more multi-faceted look at this year’s draft options.

I highly recommend getting a copy of the guide. It may not be a one-stop resource for this year’s draft, but it is a definite must-read for any hardcore (or even moderately serious) fantasy basketball manager out there.

2 Responses to “GMTR Fantasy Guide Review”

  1. Chris said

    Hey Erik,

    Give me the Rock’s website hasn’t been working for awhile. Do you know what’s happening with them?

  2. Erik said

    I don’t know what to tell you Chris. Uh, I’ve had no problems accessing GMTR. They’re pretty much in business-as-usual mode as far as I can tell.

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